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Don't enter these line labels. For example, if you see "D" on line 12a, enter "D" in TurboTax, not "a". Complete the appropriate sections on Form 12A. Your claim will be processed promptly if you quote your Personal Public Service (PPS) Number, your Employer’s or Pension Company’s PAYE Registration Number, and you complete all relevant sections of the form. Send the completed form to your Revenue office or call in person with the completed form. WS Form was built from the ground up specifically for WordPress which means it updates itself automatically and is designed to seamless fit into the administration features of WordPress. Simply add forms to your WordPress pages using a block.
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2021-03-17 · The lines labeled 12a, 12b, 12c, and 12d (sometimes listed as 12a-d) on your W-2 are just line labels, not codes. Don't enter these line labels. For example, if you see "D" on line 12a, enter "D" in TurboTax, not "a".
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Yes. Subtract line 7 from line 3.