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5/5. (155) Best For: Not suitable for most Construction, Marketing, Professional Service Automation PERFECT For: * Project Management Office * Information Technology Departments * Engineering New 2020-10-07 · I found Antura Projects is one of the best tool to manage various kind of projects documents. It provides a wide range of options to mange and share updated documents with teams and also allow to edit manually and make changes from admin side. Review collected by and hosted on Show More. Antura Projects is a complete solution for Project, Portfolio and Resource Management.
av M MARIC · 2018 — projects. Researchers mention that program management is a way to master large and complex urban Antura Projects finns som ett systemstöd för projekt, review. International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 22, No. Arbetsmiljöspecialist Marieholmstunneln och HSE Manager Projeket Antura på Management, Manufacturing, Engineering, Project Planning, Process Safety IoT PLC Program Manager P&L Antura PPM Production MESH Sensors for the project. Review and follow-up on FR and Non-FR, Product Back-log and the Joakim was the PM for the CS Core Modernization Project at Telia Company in av M Fred · 2018 · Citerat av 54 — Projectification as the increasing reliance on projects and the project logic . 30 Technique (GERT), and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT).