Specialist Medical Glossaries - STP Knowledge Base


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Specialist Medical Glossaries - STP Knowledge Base

With 75,000+ medical articles, WikiMed is the largest and most comprehensive collection of health-related articles available in English. It includes content on diseases, medications, anatomy, and The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services that delivers data to millions of scientists, health professionals and members of the public around the globe, every day.

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Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. 2014-12-01 · About BMA A-Z Family Medical Encyclopedia An A-Z BMA visual guide to over 7,000 medical terms including symptoms, diseases, drugs and treatments This new, revised sixth edition of the BMA's bestselling and definitive medical reference guide brings authoritative and up-to-date medical knowledge into your home. This medical area, commonly known as chest medicine or respiratory medicine, deals with the respiratory system. It usually involves patients who require intensive care including life support and mechanical ventilation. Doctors of this field usually are knowledgeable in diseases and conditions of the chest, such as pneumonia or asthma.

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