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Richard Dawkins Militaria & Antiquitäten - Startsida Facebook

On our website you will find pictures and detailed descriptions of all items to be auctioned. Of course you also can visit us directly at the Berlin Auction House for History. *This vehicle is part of the Militaria & Aviation Auction and is subject to a 21% Buyer's Premium (3% cash discount). 1944 Dodge WC-57 Command Car Offered Without Reserve • Purpose-built military vehicle produced from 1942 to 1945 • Command Car with off-road capability with 4×4 drivetrain • Armed with Browning .30 caliber machine gun Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Accept Cookies Learn More Begynd at byde eller sælge på Catawikis Auktion over militaria (uniformer). På auktion i denne uge: U.S. ARMY officer jacket mess dress jacket.

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Mars månad inleds med en färgstark auktion där konsten står i Till detta hör även textilier, silver, militaria, keramik, kinesiskt porslin Previous post: Stockholms Auktionsverk Olympiaföremål med originalfacklor från Berlin. Ulrich SieblistMöbel · Museum, Berlin, Skåp, Antikviteter, Lådor, Stone, Möbler, Stenar KLEINES KABINETT, Antika Möbler, Heminredning, Goodies, Enkelt, Auktion lot 351 | Militaria, Armes Antiques & Armures chez Czerny's. A beautiful  Vapen- och militariamässan Stockholms Militariamässa är en heltäckande https://auktion.walterborg.se/s; Antika vapen & Militariamässa i Lomma 25/10. D-10777 Berlin Deutschland. Tel: +49 - 30 - 211 95 38 Mob.: +49 - 172 694 5791 FAX: +49 - 30 - 211 04 80 info@berliner-auktionshaus.de D-10777 Berlin Germany. Tel: +49 - 30 - 211 95 38 Mob.: +49 - 172 694 5791 FAX: +49 - 30 - 211 04 80 info@berliner-auktionshaus.de Militaria Berlin: Wir bieten Ihnen in unserem Shop ausgesuchte militärische Antiquitäten.

Serbian medal Osveteno Kosovo - Balkan war - 1912 year. Aktuellt bud: 100 kr (per 23:39:28) Uppdatera.

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The cross is complete with its original case. Nice original set in good used condition!

Antikrundan Kontakt - Sveriges Television

THE WORLD'S BIGGEST MILITARIA AUCTION HOUSE! The World's Biggest Militaria Auction House! 14.04.2021 - 21:47 MEZ Home Olympische Spiele Berlin Bronzemedaille 1936: Bieten oder Anbieten in der Catawiki Militaria-Auktion (Medaillen, Auszeichnungen, Dokumente). In dieser Woche in der Auktion: 195: 7 military medals and badges - Japan - Early 20th. Militaria Valuations. We hold regular dedicated militaria auctions at our Newcastle auction house and are constantly consigning militaria items for sale. Militaria also features in our bi-weekly Town and County Auctions as well as in specialist auctions like our regular Collectors' Auction.

The auction house «Kabinett» carries out auctions on various topics - from antiquities and medieval artifacts to numismatics, from the art of old masters to contemporary art.
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Weaver Detachable. Pat No 2632251. 1.028" USA. Längd 32 cm.

Berlin's oldest stamp auction house, founded in 1949 coins, militaria, vignettes, etc. ANSICHTSKARTEN. LITERATUR UND  Auktionen, Verkauf und Schätzung von Gemälden, Graphik, Möbel, Porzellan, Büchern, Schmuck, Münzen, Teppichen usw.
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Antikrundan Kontakt - Sveriges Television

A selection of WW2 militaria for collectors. WW2 items are very popular among militaria collectors.Whether you're looking for a German Dagger, a US Helmet, a Japanese Imperial Flag or a Sovietic Uniform, you will find it in our Top WW2 Militaria: our selection of the best militaria items from the Second World War. A militaria selection per army Pre-bidding ends and virtual-live online-only auction begins at 9am PST on April 25th..

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This page is not affiliated with any political entity in any way. Wehrmacht-Militaria only sells guaranteed authentic militaria. Auktion "Today. Berlin. Art", Berlin, Germany. 210 likes. Villa Elisabeth, Invalidenstr.