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Översättningar Engelska-Svenska. Över 100000 Svenska översättningar av Engelska ord och. tand|hygien tooth (dental) hygiene; ~hygienist dental (oral) hygienist [Swedish] School for Dental Nurses ~-borttagning scaling, calculus removal; (äv.) Bildande[redigera | redigera wikitext]. Tandsten bildas av plack (idag oftast benämnd som dental biofilm på svenska) och mineraler. Plack utgörs av en  Hitta stockbilder i HD på Closeup Dirty Teeth Tartar Dental Calculus och miljontals andra royaltyfria stockbilder, illustrationer och vektorer i Shutterstocks  av K Enlund · 2020 · Citerat av 3 — A validated questionnaire survey was distributed to all Swedish dog in their dog, and almost four in ten owners reported dental calculus. Periodontitis, calculus and malalignment were observed in 33%, 45% and 17%, respectively. Tooth wear was very common both in incisors (total  Pro Portable Electric Sonic Dental Scaler Tooth Calculus Remover Tooth Stains Tartar Tool Dentist Whiten Teeth Health Hygiene Drop shipping Features:New  Clinical use of: Micro sickle LM 301-302.

Medically accurate 3D illustration of  Download royalty-free Oral hygiene: Ultrasonic teeth cleaning machine removing calculus and plaque. Medically accurate 3D animation of human teeth  30 Ara 2020 Olarak diş hekimliği , diş taşı veya tartar sertleştirilmiş bir şeklidir dental plak . Bu minerallerin çökelmesi neden olduğu tükürük ve plak gingival  Effects on the oral mucosa.

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Retrieved from " ". 2020-11-10 · Dental calculus represents the first fossilized record of bacterial communities as a testimony of evolutionary biology. The development of dental calculus is a dynamic process that starts with a dental calculus [dental calculi] noun [UK: ˈ̩ ˈkæl.kjʊ.ləs] [US: ˈ̩ ˈkæl.kjə.ləs] fogkő (calculus dentis, calculus dentalis, odontolith) főnév Scaling - Calculus Removal - Dental Health.Thank You For Your Support!

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Feb 17, 2020 Views of Swedish Dental Hygienists. Anna Liss1 I want to remove the dental calculus…but perhaps I should just do it the other way around,  Oral diseases are extremely common in man and animals.

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Dental calculus svenska

The sugars and carbohydrates in food cause the bacteria in your mouth to produce an acid that attacks your teeth. You may not be able to see dental plaque, but you can feel it — it creates a pasty film that not only leaves a bad taste in your mouth, but also causes many dental problems! Dental Plaque Plack Svensk definition. Tunn beläggning på tandytorna som ofta ger upphov till kariesangrepp och tandköttsinflammation (gingivit).

29. en A form of hardened dental plaque. It's a type of fossilized dental plaque that is called officially dental calculus. Det är en typ av fossiliserad plack som kallas tandsten.
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29. en A form of hardened dental plaque. It's a type of fossilized dental plaque that is called officially dental calculus. Det är en typ av fossiliserad plack som kallas tandsten.

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Calculus är det engelska ordet för matematisk analys, dvs en kurs (eller ett par kurser) och inget program eller inriktning. Det är alltså ett samlingsnamn för single variable calculus och multivariable caculus (envariabelanalys respektive flervariabelanalys). Dental calculus is the calcified plaque, or tartar, that is removed with a dental scalar during regular dentist visits. It cannot be removed by brushing.

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Det är en typ av fossiliserad plack som kallas tandsten.

Dental calculus gorilla samples cluster most closely to their subspecies of origin.