FlexQube väljer BlueBotics som partner för autonoma
Product Manager - Flexqube AB - Organisationsutvecklarjobb i
CTO Per Augustsson kommenterar. -Vi är mycket glada att genom partnerskapet med FlexQube kunna hjälpa till att ta nästa generation eQart® till marknaden, kommenterar Dr. Nicola Tomatis, VDn på BlueBotics.-FlexQubes intelligenta och modulära system är banbrytande för att kunna tillgodose kundernas ökade behov av anpassade och flexibla logistiklösningar. FlexQube is a company that offers a unique and patented concept that is used to design and deliver robust, modular and flexible material handling carts. The company has manufacturing in Sweden and USA and distribution in North America and in Europe. On December 14, 2017, the company was listed on the Nasdaq First North in Sweden.
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Robust, modular and flexible system to build industrial carts and racks for material handling. Inom FlexQube kombinerar vi dessa två till ett koncept inom ramen för eQart. Blickar vi framåt så tror vi att navigationsteknologin och robottekniken kommer att bli alltmer generisk och att värdet snarare ligger i att erbjuda en helhet med fokus på själva applikationen för brukaren. FlexQube.
FlexQube väljer BlueBotics som partner för autonoma navigationslösningar till framtida generationer av eQart®. tor, sep 10, 2020 13:00 CET I det fortsatta utvecklingsarbetet med eQart-konceptet har FlexQube ingått partnerskap med Bluebotics för att integrera det schweiziska företagets välbeprövade navigationsteknologi i nästa generation eQart®. Certifieringen avser det modulära konceptet eQart®, och inte en specifik storlek.
MFN.se > FlexQube > FlexQube wins first eQart order in the UK
Sep 10, 2020 FlexQube CTO comments on the partnership: ”We have been with our eQart® robot platform,” says FlexQube CTO Per Augustsson. ”Going So entstand das kostengünstige und flexible eQart-Konzept – Ihr effizientes AGV (automated guided vehicle). eQart Basiert auf dem Flexqube-System.
FlexQube har fått sin första beställning på eQart® från Daimler
– to offer the world's most user-friendly automation solution for internal logistics.
/ eQart by FlexQube
FlexQube väljer BlueBotics som partner för autonoma navigationslösningar till framtida generationer av eQart®. Publicerad: 2020-09-10 (Cision) FlexQube chooses BlueBotics as its autonomous navigation and fleet management partner for the future generation of eQart®. FlexQube vinner sin första eQart-order i Storbritannien Av jmhogberg | tisdag 8 september 2020 kl. 4:05 Timberwolf Ltd i Suffolk, som tillverkar industriella och kommersiella flishuggare, har beställt en eQart för användning i deras tillverkningsprocess.
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The goal with the eQart® is to offer the most user-friendly automation solution.
By using eQarts, your operators can focus on more value-adding tasks instead of redundant and time-consuming movements. https://www.flexqube.com/eqart/ #FlexQube #eQart …
Vorteile des FlexQube eQart® Konzepts;• Variable Größe• Frei gestaltbare Aufbauten• Flexibles und modulares Design (zukunftssicher)• Keine Integrationsproble
Improve material flow and reduce forklift traffic with FlexQube! FlexQube. 9.8K likes.
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FlexQube wins first eQart order in the UK Aktiespararna
The eQart® concept, launched in the fourth quarter 2019, is a customizable, smart, and motorized cart based on the patented FlexQube building block system. In the continued development of the eQart® concept, FlexQube has partnered with BlueBotics to integrate the Swiss company’s state of the art autonomous navigation technology into its next generation of eQart®. FlexQube has received the first order for an eQart® from Daimler in Germany. The eQart® is the first product arising from the project “FlexQube 4.0” and it is an autonomous and remote-controlled cart that can be configured in almost any shape due to it is built with the FlexQube building blocks that has been complemented with digital modules such as motors, battery, control unit and FlexQube’s newest cart – the eQart – is an autonomous and remote-controlled cart that can be configured in almost any shape.
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Lediga jobb Flexqube AB Göteborg Lediga jobb Göteborg
-No magnetic tape which is hard and time consuming to implement. -Very easy to create routes and stops (plug and play concept!) and to also modify them. A smart and motorized FlexQube cart. Motors, battery, and cameras are added to a regular FlexQube cart. eQart is available in any size and shape. The eQart is an AGV (automated guided vehicle) developed from the FlexQube Concept. By keeping the original concept’s flexibility and robustness and simply adding smart modules, we have created one of the most user-friendly AGVs on the market.
FlexQube vinner första order på eQarts i Sverige
At LogiMAT we showcased eQarts in manual drive mode and line-follow mode.
The next generation of FlexQube's eQart® vehicles will be powered by ANT navigation technology after the Dutch producer of material handling carts chose Feb 24, 2019 The eQart is a smart and motorized FlexQube cart; we add motors, a battery, and cameras to a regular FlexQube cart. The eQart is available in The latest Tweets from FlexQube (@FlexQube). The eQart is a more straightforward way to automate your material handling with no integration hassle . FlexQube offers a robust, modular, and flexible system to build industrial carts and here: https://lnkd.in/dmNrgtj #automation #manufacturing #eQart # FlexQube. One of FlexQube's products, the eQart®, is. Autonomous and remote-controlled; Flexible, affordable, and user-friendly; Built to be flexible to meet the needs of Innovation Award.