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Crimdon Chihuahua

Father: Qq's Amazing Mr Magnificent. Owner Lawrence Gabriel Johnson Mother: Chi's Lovely Titania, co-owner Helen Perkhed MORNING GIFT Longed-Haired Sweden 2004. World Pedigree DataBase Chihuahua - Smooth-Haired Sweden. World Pedigree DataBase Chihuahua -

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  3. A star is born recension svt  Boy sable, 840 g. Father: Qq's Amazing Mr Magnificent. Owner Lawrence Gabriel Johnson Mother: Chi's Lovely Titania, co-owner Helen Perkhed MORNING GIFT Longed-Haired Sweden 2004. World Pedigree DataBase Chihuahua - Smooth-Haired Sweden.

Russian Toy World Pedigree Database - COCKERBLUES RT NA ZDOROVIE. "NUBBE".

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"NUBBE". Ras: Russkiy Toy Född: 2019-01-02.

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Die Hündin ist uneingeschränkt zuchttauglich und bei Ingrus registriert. Pepper ist mischerbig für Kurz- und Langhaar. Weitere Bilder von Pepper gibt es hier!

His face is our logo and as you can see he was my husband's dog. It is no small effort or expense to import a dog. Chihuahua: horrible news: 11.5 years ago: Chihuahua: My dog name was edit by anonymous: 9.1 years ago: Chihuahua: can't update : 9.2 years ago: Chihuahua: First Heat: 11.2 years ago: Chihuahua: Video of GSD Eagle, cameo by Tigger the chihuahua: 11.5 years ago: Chihuahua: the tiny chihuahua who thinks he s a great dane: 11.5 years ago: Chihuahua puppies chihuahua "w" Родились щенки Чихуахуа д.р.31.10.2020. 3 суки крем + 3 кобеля крем, рыжий, чёрный с подпалом и белым. If the website is not this site or any of our social media Eva's Chihuahua & Eden Secret Himalayans, Exotics Cats, it is most likely a fraud stealing our identity.
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This is Luke (Dazzles Red Fox at Lucas chihuahuas). Beautiful dog. We got our feet wet showing him in matches and one real show.
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DAKAR DE LA ISLA ENCANTADA SCHEDA INGRUS E PEDIGREE CHIHUAHUAS for sale of all colors/ sizes/ long & smooth coats, that I have raised for over 30 years. They are socialized within my family from birth, they all have outgoing, playful and loving personalities.

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TIDIGARE ÄGDA HUNDAR - SE 47335/2019. Född: 2019.07.05. Uppfödare: Kennel Chicostars  Kalipso Bluz Magnificent Victories. Ras: Long Coated Chihuahua.

URSEL VOM POMMERNLAND Longed-Haired Germany.