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Confirmit looks to the future with refreshed vision following major company shifts . New York, NY, Oslo, Norway and London, UK – August 6th, 2020 – Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience, and Market Research kicked off 2020 with major company changes, adapting to the evolution of the insight industry and priming itself for future Verdane’s eight funds hold €2bn in total commitments and have made over 120 investments in growth sectors including advanced industry, consumer internet, energy & resource efficiency and software. Category leaders backed by Verdane include Confirmit, Danelec Marine, Desenio, EasyPark, Farmasiet, HappyOrNot, MatHem, momox, Talentech and Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualisation reporting firm Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies London, UK, Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden - 19 February 2020 - Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth e Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research. 17 Feb 2020 Confirmit acquired by Verdane Capital Confirmit is a Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Employee and Market Research platform that helps  19 Feb 2020 Research software firm Confirmit has been sold to Nordic private equity fund Verdane for an undisclosed sum, following a long-running battle  19 Feb 2020 Private equity firm Verdane acquired Confirmit AS for an undisclosed sum.

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EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit. STOCKHOLM, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries.

Combining the two will bring together their respective expertise and tools in customer experience, visualisation and reporting, as well as around 550 employees.

MFN.se > EQT > EQT and Verdane announce intention to

Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies. Stockholm, Sweden – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.

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The companies will be merged to form a SEK 250m Nordic healthcare technology group 2021-01-07 EQT and Verdane are pleased to announce the merger of their respective portfolio companies FocusVision, majority owned by EQT Mid Market US, and Confirmit. The combined company will be led by Confirmit CEO Kyle Ferguson and supported by members of both the FocusVision and Confirmit management teams. Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualisation reporting firm Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies.

Verdane gjorde stora investeringar i Dapresy redan 2017, och har låtit företaget jobba på sedan dess. Nyligen köpte Verdane upp samtliga aktier i undersökningsföretaget Confirmit, och avser nu slå samman de båda bolagen till ett fullserviceföretag för marknadsundersökningar och kundupplevelser. Verdane has acquired all equity in Confirmit, becoming the sole shareholder, and made a major investment in Dapresy in 2017. Combining the two will bring together their respective expertise and tools in customer experience, visualisation and reporting, as well as around 550 employees. Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.
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Verdane confirmit

Norway. TargetEveryOne  Confirmit enables organisations to develop and implement voice of the customer, employee engagement and market research programmes that deliver insight  3 Feb 2021 The firm was sold to private equity fund Verdane last year, and provides N- 0279 Oslo, Norway, Tel: +44 (0) 20 3053 9333 Confirmit now  EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience  Det nordiska investmentbolaget Verdane Capital IX, som är majoritetsägare i Dapresy och numera ägare av Confirmit, ska slå ihop de båda bolagen. Investment Director at Verdane investing in tech-enabled growth businesses Confirmit is a global SaaS-business providing Market Research, Customer  Det nordiska investmentbolaget Verdane Capital IX, som är majoritetsägare i visualiseringsföretaget Dapresy, har nyligen köpt upp  Det nordiska investmentbolaget Verdane Capital IX, som är majoritetsägare i Dapresy och numera ägare av Confirmit, ska slå ihop de båda  Torghatten ASA - Acceptances received under voluntary offer · EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit · EQT Infrastructure V  EQT and Verdane announce intention to merge FocusVision and Confirmit. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leading Research  Exempel på bolag som ingår portföljen är Caia Cosmetics, Confirmit, Desenio, Hive Streaming, Mathem, Stratsys och The Humble Co. Edda II:  Riskkapitalbolagen EQT och Verdane meddelar att portföljbolagen Focusvision och Confirmit ska slås samman.

New York, NY, Oslo, Norway and London, UK – August 6th, 2020 – Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience, and Market Research kicked off 2020 with major company changes, adapting to the evolution of the insight industry and priming itself for future Verdane’s eight funds hold €2bn in total commitments and have made over 120 investments in growth sectors including advanced industry, consumer internet, energy & resource efficiency and software. Category leaders backed by Verdane include Confirmit, Danelec Marine, Desenio, EasyPark, Farmasiet, HappyOrNot, MatHem, momox, Talentech and Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualisation reporting firm Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies London, UK, Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden - 19 February 2020 - Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth e Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.
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Parham Benisi - Investment Director - Verdane LinkedIn

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market EQT and Verdane are pleased to announce the merger of their respective portfolio companies FocusVision, majority owned by EQT Mid Market US, and Confirmit. The combined company will be led by Confirmit CEO Kyle Ferguson and supported by members of both the FocusVision and Confirmit management teams.

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Verdane stänger ny fond på 5 miljarder: ”Bolagen stärks av

. Verdane Capital IX (Verdane) is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm. Dapresy AB and will merge the two companies. 2020-02-24 · Verdane is the major investor in data visualization reporting firm Dapresy and will merge the two companies.

MFN.se > EQT > EQT and Verdane announce intention to

Confirmit: driving actionable insights for clients through its leading software platform. Confirmit is a Voice of the Customer, Voice of the Employee and Market Research platform that helps customers to listen, analyse and act on all voices to enable better business outcomes. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries ; The combined company will provide a one-stop-shop of complementary software solutions and offer greater benefits to existing and new customers STOCKHOLM, Jan. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ --. EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries EQT and Verdane to merge FocusVision and Confirmit to create a leader in the Market Research, Customer and Employee Experience industries The combined company will provide a one-stop-shop of Giles joined Elevate, Verdane’s in-house operational expert team, as part-time U.S. Operating Advisor in September 2020. Giles’s role runs in parallel to his full-time position as COO at Confirmit, a Verdane-owned customer experience platform.

Verdane and EQT are pleased to announce the merger of their respective portfolio companies Confirmit and FocusVision, majority owned by EQT Mid Market US. The combined company will be led by Confirmit CEO Kyle Ferguson and supported by members of both the FocusVision and Confirmit management teams. Stockholm, Sweden – February 19th, 2020 – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research. London, UK, Oslo, Norway, Stockholm, Sweden - 19 February 2020 – Verdane, the Northern European specialist growth equity investor, has acquired Confirmit, the leading global solutions provider for Customer Experience (CX), Employee Experience and Market Research.